Friday 15 February 2013

Keep Your Email Address Secure

Computers and the Internet makes millions of lives easier through connectivity and email is one of the significant tool of online system where you can easily interact with another person residing anywhere in the world with a single click. Email becomes the integral part, not only in the business world but also for the interaction between the common person.

Email has become the backbone of various businesses to carry on day to day activities. With the increased use of email, the problem of email security emerged. Various threats from the Internet or from external storage can adversely affect your system. If a single mouse click can connect you to the whole world, then clicking at the wrong place will give invitation to so many viruses and spam stuff that occupy your email inbox. Email viruses cannot be ignored and they can't get rid of by using just anti virus softwares.

People install various firewalls to get rid of insecure issues but let me tell you guys that firewall only prevents you from unauthorized access of users. It does not check the content being received and transmitted to the system. Email viruses snatch your confidential data that reaches out to the hands of unauthorized users. They can steal your identities, account numbers, social security numbers and many other various forms of sensitive personal identifying information. This will prove very dangerous for you and your company.

There are many free and paid email providers that secure your data from unauthorized access but some or other way they compromise on security but I have encountered one website that promises to keep your email address secure. It doesn't compromise on security issues and can keep your data in safe hands.

There are certain things that break your email security either directly or indirectly. Sometimes you encountered various emails or you can say unfamiliar emails in your inbox like advertisements or invitations that you haven't registered or subscribed to. You wonder from where that emails come from? Actually these are unknown people that collect various email address from various places to send bulk emails that are basically known as spam mails.

Protection of your business from unauthorized access and malicious attacks is the key issue in email security. So make sure your email security systems are fully effective.

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